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Explorers and Adventurers

Schedule of Events

Pre-Celebrations lead up events

Alps to Ocean Penny Farthing and Vintage Cycle Tour
See the wheelmen and women depart Oamaru on Saturday 9th November as they head to Aoraki Mt Cook to start their intrepid journey on penny-farthings and vintage cycles touring the Alps to Ocean Cycle Trail.
They will arrive back in Oamaru for the Opening of the
Victorian Heritage Celebrations.


Heritage for Schools – Oamaru is 150
Celebrating our Heritage our Pioneers and Explorers - For the week 4-8 November 2013
A choice of 4 different activities directly related to the Heritage of Oamaru and surrounding District showcasing our pioneering history. Keep a keen eye for street urchins, flower sellers and shoe shiners making an appearance during the street promenade on Friday 15th.With the Support of Heritage Education Service

St Paul’s Presbyterian Church
150th Anniversary, 8th – 10th November.

Registrations forms available from St Paul’s Church or Phone June 3-434-7707.
Registration closes 5th October. St Paul’s Church 5 Coquet Street

Oamaru Stone Symposium
The bi-annual Stone Symposium is being held in the Friendly Bay Playground from 1-17th November.
A chance to see some of the stone carvers at work.
For more information contact Matt King 03-4395087

Treasure Hunt
(Geocaching Victorian Style)

Find hidden treasures in our treasured places. Collect 8 stamps on the official entry form and be in to win.
Must attend the Grand Opening to collect your prize.
Treasure Hunt starts 14th October.
Details can be found on (Geocachers please visit or a hard copy can be
collected from Oamaru i-Site


Daily and continuous events 2013

Forrester Gallery
North Otago Arts Society 16th Biennial Art Awards

Monday 21st October until Sunday 17th November 2013
The North Otago Arts Society 16th Biennial Art Awards featuring entrants from across the South Island.

Parallel Threads – Sue McLean
A Dunedin School of Art Postgraduate Exhibition Oamaru textile artist Sue McLean collaborates with her husband,
weaver Rod McLean, in an exhibition exploring the legacy of loss through the materiality of traditionally woven and stitched textile practice. Parallel Threads brings together generational stories of loss with the history and skills associated with traditional weaving and stitching in a contemporary exhibition setting.
The Forrester Gallery, 9 Thames Street,
Open daily. Admission free.

Oamaru Steam and Rail Trip
Welcome aboard the B10 steam locomotive which will take you from the Harbourside Station to the
Quarry Siding in the harbour area and return.
Trips every 45 minutes from 10am till 4pm Saturday and Sunday
Adults $8, children $3, Family (2 adults 2 children) $20 return.
Book at the station or i-Site. Pedestrian access via steps from Itchen and Tees Streets.


North Otago Museum
Visit the museum to see displays on Explorers and Adventures as well as a display on Fire
- including historic fires of Oamaru.
North Otago Museum 60 Thames Street, Monday to Friday 10.30am–4.30pm, Saturday 1.00pm–4.30pm.
Admission Free.


North Otago Floral Art Group
North Otago Floral Art Group will have floral designs in St Lukes’ Anglican Church on the Friday,
Saturday and Sunday of Heritage Week during the open hours of the Church.
St Luke’s Church, Itchen Street, open daily 10am–4pm.

Hot Air Balloons.
The skies will be crowded with balloons early morning and late evening, Thursday to Sunday.
Come see the tethered flying below King Georges Park Saturday and Sunday with a spectacular night glow
from below the park on Friday and Saturday night.


Horse and Carriage Tours
Leave from the 36 Tyne Street (opposite the carpark) just along from the old Northern Hotel.
10.30am to 3pm daily - $10 per adult and $5 per child


Grand Tour of the Oamaru Opera House
Daily tours through the refurbished 1907 Oamaru Municipal Town Hall.
For details contact the Opera House Phone 433 0779
Oamaru Opera House, 90 Thames Street


Behind the Scenes Tour - North Otago Museum
Every museum has more in store that it’s able to display. View those rare treasures that lie behind closed doors.
Thursday and Friday North Otago Museum 60 Thames Street 10.30am Gold coin donation.
Bookings essential – Phone 03-433-0852

Local Oamaru Explorers
Oamaru’s Genealogical Society will be downstairs at No. 2 Harbour Street
– with information and history of local Oamaru early pioneers and explorers.
An opportunity for local folk to display their ancestors adventures and expeditions.
Open Friday, Saturday and Sunday 11am – 3pm, 2 Harbour Street

Miss Annie’s ‘tea time special at Burnside’
Come and join Miss Annie, with hosts Bruce and Alison Albiston, to explore Burnside, one of North Otago’s
oldest and grandest original homesteads (Historic Places Category 1 building, 20 mins drive from Oamaru)
Promenade the gardens, take good tea and cake, served by the Maids, in the Sun Room and enjoy a little live
music in the Octagon Room with:

Thursday 14th - 2pm – 4pm with Sir Ralph Sherwood, entertaining on the Pianoforte.

Friday 15th - 2pm – 4pm with Miss Lynley Caldwell, entertaining on the Harp and Bodhran.

Saturday 16th – 2pm – 4pm Sir Ralph Sherwood, entertaining on the Pianoforte.

Bookings essential at or phone 027 648 6023 Cost $25 per person.
Transport self-drive or Bus TBC (extra cost)


Oamaru Public Library
During the month of November there will be a display focusing on an exciting local adventurer,
poet, and itinerant horse doctor Bob Mitchell.
62 Thames Street, Admission free.


Totara Estate
Come and experience a taste of life on a Victorian Farm. Hear the story of how Totara Estate pioneered the first shipment of frozen meat from NZ to England back in 1882. Explore the fantastic Oamaru stone farm buildings. Try out some Victorian farm crafts, meet the workers, talk to the animals and feed the sheep.
Heritage Week Special – present this programme and receive a free set of post cards.
8kms South of Oamaru, Fee $10 Adults, Children Free.
Open daily 10am-4pm


An Evening of Edwardian Entertainment
At the theatre in Itchen Street.

Wednesday 13th, Thursday 14th, Friday 15th all at 7.30 p.m.,
Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th at 4 p.m.
Tickets $18 all adults, $10 school students, $15 for block bookings of 10 or more.

Box office open daily from Wednesday 6th November (03-4348868) 12 noon to 5 p.m. Prior to 6th,
information and ticket sales from Pat Avis, Secretary, 03 434 7667 or Wendy Pringle 021 230 4192


Wednesday 13th November 2013

10am – 4pm
Oamaru Steam and Rail Workshop

Venture behind the scenes into the workshop of steam and rail – the ultimate in a blokes shed.
Come and see our steam engine loco being restored.
Workshop on railway siding behind the Woolstore Complex Entry by donation


The Waitaki Valley Singers

Enjoy St Paul’s first midday concert with conductor Wendy Eckhardt. Bring your lunch.
Tea and coffee provided.
St Pauls Church 5 Coquet Street Entry by gold coin donation


An Evening of Edwardian Entertainment

Scroll up to daily and continuous events for more details.


Thursday 14th November 2013


Morning Noon and Night - Hot Air Balloons
Scroll up to daily and continuous events for more details.


Miss Annie’s ‘tea time special at Burnside’

Scroll up to daily and continuous events for more details.


Movie at the Limelight. “Khartoum”

“Khartoum” – starring Charlton Heston as General Gordon, Ralph Richardson as Gladstone and Laurence Olivier as The Mahdi.
A movie showcasing the British expeditionary forces and the 1883 siege at Khartoum.
A Limelight production, afternoon tea at 2pm screening at 2.30pm Tickets $20 (seniors and students $15)
Tickets from Limelight Cinema only, bookings preferred 260 Thames Street or phone 434 1077


Explorers Club at the Opera House

Hail all Victorian Explorers! Come share a drink or two and a tale or two. The Explorers Club is open in the foyer of the Opera House, liquid libations available, and stories just waiting to be told. Fortify yourself for the week ahead then follow the Penny farthing riders down to the precinct and share in the Grand Opening and join the festivities.


Celebrations Grand Opening

Explorers & Adventures and all who have dreamed to be, come join us outside the Scottish Hall on Tyne Street to
officially launch the 2013 Victorian Heritage Celebrations. Cheer the arrival of the Penny Farthings and Vintage Cycles
after their epic journey on the Alps to Ocean Trail from Aoraki Mt Cook to Oamaru and see who is the 2013 Victorian style Geocacher of the Year.
(Seafaring Time 1830 hours)


Forty Flying Fingers

Music at St Paul’s church features four pianists at pianos with the North Otago Women’s Club Choir.
Bring your lunch. Tea and coffee provided.
St Paul’s Church 5 Coquet Street Gold coin donation

News Extra! Tapley’s return from America.

The Jolly Tapley re-opens, complete with back room. Try a new game of chance from America - Poker!
Form a syndicate, win big on the Calcutta Indoor Horse Racing circuit, 8 races on the card. First race 8.30pm.
Traditional games, Two up, Crown & Anchor, Cribbage and Shove Ha’penny.Organic ales, fine wines and hearty
vittles available for purchase.
The Scottish Hall, 10 Tyne St. Bribe doorman for entry!


Ladies only please

“Ladies only evening.” Come and spend a charming evening rejoicing in the journey of achievement of the NZ Suffragette movement. Join us as we celebrate 120 years of Votes for Women.
Meet in private, 7.30pm, lavish supper provided, admission by “invitation” only $20 p.p.
Book online on this site for your invitation 
strictly no door sales.


An Evening of Edwardian Entertainment

Scroll up to daily and continuous events for more details.


Friday 15th November 2013

Morning Noon and Night - Hot Air Balloons
Scroll up to daily and continuous events for more details.


Explorers Club at the Opera House
Victorian explorers club is open for your necessary libations and restorations.
Come rest a while between engagements in the club’s fabulous ambience, refresh your thirst, restore your thoughts
and regale a tale. Food and beverages available.
Opera House Foyer, Thames Street


7.30 am
Full English breakfast with Thomas Brydone

Enjoy the delights of a sumptuous full English breakfast and maybe a few Scottish traditions too.
Meet the Kingsgate Brydone’s namesake in the Thomas lounge, where else? A fine breakfast and fine entertainment.
Kingsgate Brydone, Thomas Lounge, Wear Street entrance. Tickets $25, Book online on this site
Bookings are essential. No door sales

9am – 11am
Empire Ball Dance practice

For those that wish to learn the dances for this evenings ball. The dance list is listed here.
Scottish Hall, Admission free


10am – 12pm
Café Promenade

Stroll along Thames Street, visit the local victuallers, and marvel at the shop windows decorated in heritage style.


10am – 2pm
Elevenses with Mrs B

Call into the Early Settlers’ Hall to sample treats from Mrs Beetons’ kitchen with a tea, coffee, or a small glass of madeira. Try your hand at Victorian parlour games or just relax and have a chat.
Early Settlers’ Hall Behind the Opera House Severn Street.
$5 per serving.


10am – 12pm
Oamaru’s 150th Anniversary

Join Helen Stead & Ralph Sherwood on a Walk Down the Decades in Oamaru.
Meet Thames St Bridge East $15p.p - Book online on this site

Variety Concert
A St Paul’s concert featuring local artists. Bring your lunch. Tea and coffee provided.
St Paul’s Church 5 Coquet Street Gold coin donation


Victorian Explorers Costume Awards

Straight after the ‘Big’ photo on the opera house steps, winners of the Best Dressed explorers will be presented.


Waitaki Herald Victorian Retail Window Display

Prize-giving and presentation of the silver tray for the best dressed Victorian Window.
Oamaru Opera House 90 Thames Street


Great Photo Opportunity

Join Oamaru’s heritage family for a group photograph in costume on the steps of the Opera House.
Oamaru Opera House 90 Thames Street


Forrester and Lemon Memorial Lecture, “Living with Old and New” – Bruce Petry

The lecture will look at the issues of managing working historic areas and will discuss the tensions between the conservation of historic places, adaptive re-use and building new while maintaining the character and authenticity of the place.
The Ink Box – Oamaru Opera House 90 Thames Street
Admission free


Oamaru Public Library

David Wilson and fellow riders, will give a chaffing first hand account of this year’s Mount Cook to Oamaru
Penny farthing expedition
62 Thames Street, Admission free.


Movie at the Limelight

“Around the World in 80 Days”
Matinee showing with all the trimmings – Victorian afternoon tea to start and the good old fashioned news reel to set the atmosphere and then the all famous “Around the World in 80 Days” - 1956 starring David Niven.
A Limelight production, afternoon tea at 2pm, screening at 2.30pm. Tickets $20 (seniors and students $15)
Tickets from Limelight Cinema only, bookings preferred. 260 Thames Street or phone 434 1077


Miss Annie’s ‘tea time special at Burnside’

Scroll up to daily and continuous events for more details.

2.30pm – 3.30pm
Crombie & Price Victorian Garden Party
A good garden party needs a good garden and there are few better than the Oamaru Public Gardens. Look for the Band Rotunda and join the guests enjoying fine food, silver service and magical music.
Oamaru Public Gardens, Band Rotunda.
Wet weather venue St Pauls Church Hall Coquet St. Admission free


2.30pm – 3.30pm
Croquet in the Gardens

Have a go at croquet in the gardens with help from the Awamoa Croquet Club.
Oamaru Public Gardens, Band Rotunda.


4pm – 6pm
Explorers’ Tales

Rest and relax from your busy day at Adventure Books in Harbour Street. A room full of books to delight any explorer.
Peruse the shelves to your heart’s content, rest in a cosy chair, enjoy some tea or coffee, and listen to some explorers’
tales of adventures extraordinaire.
Adventure Books, 7 Harbour Street, free admission.


Victoriana/Ephemera Exhibitionism

Works by Donna Demente and Watts Davies. All welcome.
Grainstore Gallery, Harbour St – next to the Wine Bar


An Evening of Edwardian Entertainment

Scroll up to daily and continuous events for more details.


Empire Ball

Major Robert Mahan, No. 3 Battalion, Otago Rifles, cordially invites citizens to a Ball to meet visiting dignitaries from nations of the Empire. Local musicians have been engaged to provide music for dancing, along with some by a new invention from America, the Gramophone. Supper dishes from various realms will be served during the evening. Refreshments may be purchased. Dress code: Mess Kit, formal Victorian Ball attire or appropriate National Dress may be worn.
Mess Hall opens at 6.30pm. Grand March commences at 8pm.
Dancing until late. Tickets $50.
Scottish Hall. Tyne Street. Book online on this site


Saturday 16th November 2013


Morning Noon and Night - Hot Air Balloons
Scroll up to daily and continuous events for more details.


Highland Dancing
Enjoy a Celtic fling at St Paul’s, where Highland Dancers will be competing all day.
St Paul’s Church 5 Coquet Street. Admission at the door


Vintage Car Club Swapmeet

The North Otago Vintage Car Club is having a Swap meet, the perfect time for folk to rummage and barter or just Oooh and Aaaah at all things Vintage and Veteran, Motorised or Mechanicalised, Showy bits and Shiny bits, something for everyone.
A and P Show grounds, Caledonion Road 8am entry $5 at the gate


Seafarers’ hearty breakfast at the Star & Garter

Explorers, ahoy me hearties, here’s a breakfast to sustain you all the day through. Sea Captains and ship mates alike come to the Captains table at the SS Star and Garter and enjoy the finest produce of land and sea. The Captain will regale you with his wit and charm.
$25, No door sales. Book online on this site


10am - 4pm
Grandma’s Treasures

Antique china, crystal and collectibles for sale.
St Luke’s Hall, 3 Wharfe St (above St Luke’s Church, Cnr Itchen and Tees Streets)


Explorers Club at the Opera House

Explorers club open for your enjoyment while you wait with excitement for the Grand Parade to pass by.
Come in and enjoy the atmosphere.


The Oamaru Mail Grand Street Parade

The sights and sounds of yesteryear will wend their way through town for all to see. Join in or watch from the sidelines. Competition for the schools that take part – major prize for the best School float
Starts Tyne Street along Itchen Street and into Lower Thames Street


Young Farmers District Finals

If the rural life is your fancy then there’s a feast of farming activities at Totara Estate, next to the oldest of farming techniques we have the youngest of the Districts youngest farmers going through their paces competing against each other in the North Otago finals
Throughout the day at Totara Estate 8 km south of Oamaru, admission fees apply, enquiries phone 433 1269


The 19th Heritage Bicycle Championship

New Zealand’s foremost heritage cycling event attracting wheelmen (and women) from all around the globe.
This will be another high thrill as riders participate in sprints, slaloms, relays, slow races, and the ghastly
Tyne Street Grunter. Collect your entry forms from the 1882 Oamaru Cycle Works shop Wansbeck Street.
All riders are encouraged to wear traditional riding attire and the emphasis is on participation and enjoyment.
Prizegiving will be held following the events.
Tyne Street


Oamaru Bicycle Polo Tournament

See the country’s finest bicycle polo players battle it out for glory and honour at the inaugural polo match being held on the Victorian Precinct “Polodrome”, at the south end of the Victorian Precinct.


1pm – 5pm
Working Vintage Machinery

From the age of steam and early internal combustion engines comes a working display of rural machinery. See a traction engine driving a chaff cutter, many stationary engines and a display of blade and machine sheep shearing.
At the southern end of the Precinct.


1pm – 5pm
Military Black Powder Camp

The musket and cannon were the principal military weapons of the Victorian period. Join the team at a military encampment for some musket firing and regular cannon discharges.
Between the Precinct and the sea.


1pm – 4pm
Freemasons Lodge Rooms Open

The Freemason’s doors will be open wide to welcome folks to come and view their Heritage buildings and explore the ancient mystique. Refreshments available.
Gold coin donation, Wansbeck Street.

Heritage Bus Tour

Follow in the footsteps and wheel ruts of the early explorers, with a conducted trip up the historic and mysterious
Waitaki Valley. Dress in the fashion of the Victorian explorers and experience for yourself some of their intriguing
discoveries. Your transport leaves at 1pm sharp from outside the Last Post. Trip will be approx. 4 hour duration.
Afternoon refreshments provided.
Tickets $15 - Book online on this site


Victorian/Edwardian Organ Recital

Acclaimed Dunedin organist David Burchell will perform works with a heritage theme.
Programmes: $8, St Luke’s Church, Corner Itchen and Tees Streets.


Miss Annie’s ‘tea time special at Burnside’

Scroll up to daily and continuous events for more details.


Movie at the Limelight “Mr Pip”

Matinee showing with all the trimmings – Victorian afternoon tea to start and the good old fashioned news reel to set the atmosphere and then be enthralled by “Mr Pip”. Enjoy spotting Oamaru’s special place in the film production.
A Limelight production. Tickets $20 (seniors and students $15) tickets at Limelight Cinema only, bookings preferred.
Door sales on the day 260 Thames Street or phone 4341077. Afternoon tea at 2pm, screening at 2.30pm

Smoko Time at Swaggers Rest – Totara Estate

Come and join the farm workers for afternoon smoko at Totara Estate. Totara was an important Victorian estate, step back in time and see how the farm workers lived, see demonstrations of traditional farm tasks. Enjoy a generous serving of traditional tea time fare pioneer style from the scrubbed tables and tin mugs – not to mention entertainment from the swaggers - this is an afternoon tea not to be missed.
Totara Estate 8kms South of Oamaru Fee: Adults $15 (NZHPT members $10.00) Children $5.00
Strictly no door sales. Book online on this site


4pm – 5pm
Clarks Mill Operating

Originally part of Totara Estate, this flour mill will be open and operating. Take a guided tour through this 19th Century engineering marvel and see the mill machinery running. Follow the journey of a grain of wheat from its arrival to its departure as the fine Snow Wreath flour formally manufactured here.
Clarks Mill, Maheno, 12km South of Oamaru. Guided Tour Fee $15.00. NZHPT members free.
Book online on this site


An Evening of Edwardian Entertainment

Scroll up to daily and continuous events for more details.


4pm – 6pm
Pen-y-bryn Lodge High Tea

Step back into the gilded age with a traditional Victorian High Tea at Pen-y-bryn, and savour the splendour of one of Oamaru’s finest homes and gardens.
Pen-y-bryn Lodge, 41 Towey Street. Tickets $35 - Book online on this site.


5pm – 6.30pm
Headstones and Stories

A twilight walk through Oamaru’s oldest cemetery with many stories told to you by conservation historian Helen Stead.
Meet Greta Street Cemetery Gate $15p.p. - Book online on this site


5pm – 6pm
Explorers Club at the Opera House

Make your way back at 5pm for some well-earned rest and relaxation and bubbles before you head off to your evening engagements, revel in the Victorian explorers ambience and partake of the food and beverages available.


Pollywogs and Shellbacks

Attention! Servant shortage in New Zealand. Calling all maids and milliners, teachers and tailors, cooks and cobblers. Assisted passage on the iron ship “Oamaru” bookings now open. Guaranteed employment in the colonies. On board, in true naval tradition, Captain Hood will host a celebration on crossing the equator with music, dancing and supper. Refreshments
may be purchased on board.
Limited berths available. The Scottish Hall, Tyne St. $25 - Book online on this site


Sunday 17th November 2013


Morning Noon and Night - Hot Air Balloons
Scroll up to daily and continuous events for more details.


Train Excursion from Dunedin
Travel in style with Taieri Gorge Railway along the scenic coast from Dunedin to Oamaru. Spend a wonderful day at the Network Waitaki Victorian Fete then, loaded with bargains and happy memories, enjoy the leisurely afternoon trip back to Dunedin.
Departs Dunedin Railway Station at 8am and returns from Oamaru at 3.15pm. Adults $79, children $39.
Book at Taieri Gorge Railway; (03) 477 4449 or Fete entry $5 per person, pre-schoolers free.


St Paul’s Heritage Church Services

St Paul’s Presbyterian Church 5 Coquet Street


St Luke’s Anglican Heritage Service

Share in a service which spans in word and music the 150 years of Anglican worship in North Otago.
St Luke’s Church, Corner Itchen and Tees Streets


10am – 4pm
The Network Waitaki Victorian Fete

A day jam-packed with superb entertainment, dozens of stalls showcasing their unique and individual wares, exquisite Victorian costume, competitions to test strength and skill, street performers and children’s entertainment around every corner with food stalls and refreshments to whet every appetite. It has to be experienced to be believed and will amuse and amaze you!
Dress up in your Victorian best or follow this year’s Victorian Heritage Celebrations theme of adventurers
and explorers and join in all the fun of the street Fair!
Harbour & Tyne Streets, Entry $5, Family Pass: $20 (2 adults and two children), pre-schoolers free.
All Fete and stall site inquiries to:


12pm – 3pm
Working Vintage Machinery

From the age of steam and early internal combustion engines comes a working display of rural machinery. See a traction engine driving a chaff cutter, many stationary engines and a display of blade and machine sheep shearing.
At the southern end of the Precinct.


12pm – 3pm
Military Black Powder Camp

The musket and cannon were the principal military weapons of the Victorian period. Join the team at a military encampment for some musket firing and regular cannon discharges.
Between the Precinct and the sea.


1pm – 4pm
Grandma’s Treasures

Antique china, crystal and collectibles for sale.
St Luke’s Hall, 3 Wharfe St (above St Luke’s Church, Cnr Itchen and Tees Streets)


An Evening of Edwardian Entertainment

Scroll up to daily and continuous events for more details.


North Otago Arts Society
The Art Cafe on Fete Day selling light lunches, morning and afternoon teas.
Customs House Gallery, Tyne St.

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